

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Phew! Exams are over -> I am Back! :D

Hello All! :)

I guess I need to welcome myself back first! LOL! Seriously this time the exam season was too tiring! Just gave my last one today for the current semester.

But well well well! now that its over, I guess I can come back to other things, like my blog. I see I haven't posted in much time! Sorry for that readers, that I couldn't give a new post, but it was all because I was so busy.

But now, I can take a relaxing, chillaxing breath and say - PHEW!! it's over for now! And so, I have got some new things in my mind to share with you guys, and I will be back on here again soon to share it with you all.

I have got a couple of things like Reservation and Festivals, etc. on my mind to share about. I mean from my Desiccator point of view. Though sometimes I know these issues could cause a sort of upheaval, so I would try to be as safe as I can.

But hey still, pardon any repulsive parts. Though I know about festival thing there couldn't be any such thing because I have always respected all the religions, but for the reservation, well it can. The reason being, it had been close to me because that stupid act has caused a lot of trouble to me.

Anyways, I will talk about it in my other post when I will write it. Though right now, for today, I need to take a lot of rest. So I would visit back any visitors too tomorrow only.

So until then, you guys have fun, and I must take rest. Take care and speak up your minds! Because as I have described my blog, thoughts sometimes need to be desiccated as the moisture of this world tends to eat them away!

Oh! by the way, one thing I forgot to do was, Wish you all a Merry Christmas! I know I am late, but well, better late than never! ;) My Christmas was totally engulfed in studies and dumped under books, how was yours? I hope it was great! And then new Year is also on the door. Let's see what plans are there! :D And yes! I must write it now that I don't own those pics in this post, okay? I have searched them on google. So kindly no Copyright Infringement Please!!

But now I need rest, so will catch up here later! :)


1 comment:

  1. Exam is the most stressful period in which most students are facing with in school.


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